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As we’re heading into the autumn/winter season, we thought we’d share some of the top eco-friendly technologies of 2021.

More and more households are looking to change-up how they use energy. From cutting back on utility bills to adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle, these technologies will help you achieve both of these goals.

Solar PV

Solar PV isn’t a new technology, but it’s certainly seen substantial year-on-year growth. With the UK’s subsidy-free solar era, there was a 27% increase. Solar PV panels convert sunlight into electricity, which can be used to power anything from electrical vehicles to boilers. For solar panels, the forecast is looking bright, with predictions that rooftop and ground-mounted panel installations will continue to grow.

Ready to utilise the power of the sun and become less reliant on the grid? Bailey Electrical can help with their expert team of solar PV installers. Speak to us today to discuss your options.

EV Charging Points

With the government-backed OZEV grant still in place, EV charging points have seen a surge in growth across the country. It’s all part of the government’s initiative to have 100% zero carbon emission vehicles sold in the UK by 2030. EV charging points can even be powered by renewable energy sources such as solar PV, making it a truly eco-friendly choice.

If you’re interested in making the switch to electric, Bailey Electrical are OZEV-approved EV chargepoint installers. Contact us today to find out more.

Solar-powered gadgets

From mobile phones to garden lights, there are so many gadgets that we use everyday that can be powered by solar energy. Some products come kitted out with mini solar panels which removes the need for electricity supply or batteries. However, you can also now purchase backpacks with their very own solar panel which can generate enough electricity to charge your mobile phone. Whether you’re simply on the way to work or off on a hiking trip, it’s a great way to keep your phone topped up when you’re on the move – and the best part is you can do it without relying on the grid.

There you have our top 3 eco-friendly technologies of 2021. With eco-friendly energy taking the fore, it will be interesting to see how these technologies develop for a smarter, greener world.


Author Simon

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