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If you’re considering making the switch from a fuel-powered to an electric car, no doubt you have a lot of questions. It will change the way you drive, after all, and you’ll want to make sure the adjustments are suitable for your lifestyle and/or work.

If you regularly need to drive for work, it may be important to know you can top up your power supply in a sufficient time period, particularly if you have to travel to multiple destinations within a single day or week.

The last thing you want is to have to postpone or cancel an important meeting, appointment or event because your vehicle doesn’t have enough charge.

In this guide, we’re looking at how fast you can charge an electric car and whether there are any factors that might impact the speed at which your car can top up its power supply.

How fast can you charge an electric car?

According to Metro, there are now more EV charging points in the UK than there are petrol stations. With increasing numbers of public charging points being installed in supermarket and retail car parks and places of work, there are more options than ever before for EV drivers when it comes to how and when they charge their car.

As for how fast you can charge an electric car, this depends on a number of factors including the size of the battery, the speed of the charger and how much charge you already have. You can typically charge an electric car from empty to full within 8 hours. But charging times can range from 30 minutes to 12 hours.

With a rapid charger, you could add 100 miles to your journey in just over half an hour – the perfect excuse to stop for a bite to eat.

How often do you need to charge an electric car?

For people who regularly drive up to 40 or 50 miles a day, a couple of plug-ins a week should be sufficient.

If you regularly drive long distances, you’ll want to make sure you buy an EV car with a decent range. Some EV cars and vans have a range of up to 700 miles – this would allow you to comfortably drive from Cornwall to Scotland in a single trip! Long drives of over 200 miles are best prepared for with a rapid 45-minute charge.

We hope you found this article answered your questions on how long it takes to charge an electric car.

If you’re looking for an EV Charging Point Installation provider, Bailey Electrical Services can help. We supply home, commercial and commercial charging points. Contact us today to find out more.


Author Simon

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