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If you’re wondering what the future of home heating will look like, you’ve come to the right place. According to the Energy Saving Trust, over half of energy bills are used on heating in homes across the UK. This fact has left many to wonder how this figure could be lowered, not only to keep costs down for homeowners, but also to be kinder to the planet.

Renewable, greener energy sources

It’s only natural to presume that more and more renewable or low-carbon energy sources will be used to heat our homes. One such energy source includes solar panels. These panels are usually placed onto roofs and when the sunlight reaches their surface, electrons are loosened to create a flow of electricity. With estimated savings of up to 70%, it’s no wonder that solar panels are a huge contender for the future of home heating in the UK.

If you’re interested in utilising the power of solar energy, Bailey Electrical Services is a leading provider of solar PV installations in East England. Contact us today to find out more.

Smart meters

Smart meters are also likely to remain a strong contender for the future of home heating. They offer convenience and allow you to better monitor how much energy you’re using. They can also be complemented by apps which allow you to change the temperature of your home even when you’re not there. So, if you leave the heating on full blast by accident, you won’t have to worry about getting a hefty energy bill or returning to a home that’s hotter than the Sahara desert.

More efficient boilers

Water heating is currently the second biggest guzzler of energy in UK homes outside of space heating. Switching to a more efficient boiler is a great way to reduce our carbon footprint and cut back on water and space heating bills.

Better insulation

Keeping our homes warm in the winter months is not just about choosing the right appliances and energy sources. It’s also about keeping the heat inside. Insulation is one way that heat can be better kept inside the home, rather than leaking out. Having double or triple glazed windows in every room can also really help.

So, there you have some top predictions for the future of home heating. From reducing our reliance on fossil fuels to filling our homes with smarter appliances and insulated materials, the future of home heating looks set to be a greener one.


Author Simon

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